Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) Directors from the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) presented the achievements made by their country programs, as well as their future plans during a recent semi-annual FETP Board of Directors meeting.
Held virtually on November 14, 2020, the meeting saw participation from the directors of Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, and Yemen’s FETPs. Also, in attendance were the Technical Advisors and support team members from these respective programs as well as representatives from GHD|EMPHNET.
The meeting was commenced with GHD|EMPHNET Executive Director, Dr. Mohannad Al Nsour welcoming the participants. His welcoming remarks were then followed by a speech given by the former Afghanistan FETP Director, Former Chairman of the FETP Board of Directors, and current Deputy Minister of Policy and Planning at the Afghanistan Ministry of Public Health, Prof. Bashir Noormal. In his speech, Prof. Noormal spoke about the achievements made in the region by all FETPs while expressing his pride for the monumental growth in impact and significance these country programs have seen over the past year. He also commended the country’s programs for the efforts they have made to overcome challenges faced in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and other public health-related challenges while encouraging the programs to continue moving forward towards further achievements and growth.
Prof. Noormal’s speech was followed by a series of presentations in which each FETP Director spoke about the major milestones achieved in the past year by his/her country program, recognitions made on local, regional, and global levels, publications released, graduations, and the training of new cohorts. In these presentations, the FETP Directors also spoke about future plans for the year to come, including initiatives to increase publications from FETP residents and graduates, aspirations to introduce programs with new modalities, and plans to enhance the role of FETPs within their countries.
From his end, Director of the Center of Excellence for Applied Epidemiology at GHD|EMPHNET, Dr. Yousef Khader spoke about the different support initiatives that GHD|EMPHNET had introduced during the past year for the purpose of enhancing the quality of training, presence, and visibility of FETPs in the region. Some initiatives highlighted during his presentation included the publication of Case Study Supplements, the establishment of a research group for FETPs, the introduction of online training modalities, as well as the publication of an FETP Newsletter, the introduction of writing contests, alongside other initiatives.
Furthermore, Workforce Capacity Team Leader at GHD|EMPHNET, Dr. Haitham Bashir spoke about the initiatives that GHD|EMPHNET plans to implement for the benefit of FETPs in the region. He spoke about introducing new FETP modalities, specifically the intermediate and basic level, more online training modules, more opportunities for producing publications by FETPs, the launch of an E-library for the benefit of FETPs, and the launch of an FETP Alumni Association, as well as other initiatives that would enhance networking opportunities amongst FETP graduates and residents.
At the close of the meeting, GHD|EMPHNET’s Executive Director Dr. Mohannad Al Nsour thanked all participants for their valuable contribution to the meeting’s success and he took the opportunity to reiterate GHD|EMPHNET’s commitment to supporting FETPs in the region and continuing to work together towards further accomplishments that would continue to contribute to bettering public health systems in the EMR.
Following the meeting’s proceedings, directors convened in a closed meeting to conduct the FETP Board of Directors elections, the result of which FETP Egypt’s Director Dr. Sahar El Shourbagy was elected as Chairperson of the FETP Board of Directors for the coming period.